8 Must-Try Summer Activities for Middle School Kids

Published by Hristina Mladenovska on

Middle school can be a major transition for kids and parents. Summertime provides a great opportunity to help them explore. Possibilities and interests abound in some of KidzToPros most popular, must-try summer camp activities.

Common milestones for middle school kids

Kids don’t think of themselves as kids anymore, but they aren’t young adults either. They’re truly in the middle. It’s a new playing field.

They have a greater need for independence and exploration.

Between the ages of 10 to14, children assert themselves a bit more than usual. Self-determination shows up as they make more decisions for themselves. They show some independence and make choices of their own.

At the same time, other major changes are going on. Many middle school kids leave the safe and loving cocoon of elementary school. They’re transitioning to either middle school or junior high.

Are they ready?

New schools bring new interests and friends. Peer pressure is more prevalent and intense. Learning how to deal with that well in middle school serves them once high school comes around.

And if all that wasn’t enough – puberty arrives. They’re already growing socially and emotionally, then comes body and hormone changes. 

If you thought the terrible twos were challenging, buckle up!

Luckily, there are many ways that parents can stay involved. You’re still the most powerful influence over your children’s worldview and life choices. Discussions around the dinner table every night can make your family stronger and your middle school kids more resilient.

The CDC has several positive parenting tips as well as suggestions for keeping kids physically and emotionally healthy during their middle school years.

Keep middle school kids moving

Most experts say the same thing – limit television and screen time. Keep an eye on your children’s social media accounts. Make sure they get plenty of sleep and eat nutritious foods. Steer them away from soda and encourage water bottles while on the go.

Make sure your middle school kids are physically active. Whether that’s sports related, involvement in performing arts, or spending time outdoors, it’s vital to keep moving.

As this summer arrives, and more opportunities open up after a long year, the time has never been better for a rich summer camp experience. Chances are, no matter your child’s interest, there is a camp for them.

KidzToPros is here to help

We have 8 must-try summer activities for middle school kids:

Python – one of the world’s fastest growing programming languages and fun to learn. It doesn’t require previous knowledge and is easier than its competition. This makes Python perfect for middle school students. When they get after a problem, working together in camp to solve it, challenges will arise. As a result, developing solutions as they go builds confidence and self-worth.

Web Design – create dynamic and responsive multi-page websites. The U.S. Department of Labor reports that there will be great need for web developers over the next decade. Using creativity, building upon STEM knowledge and honing good communication skills make web design a fun camp activity all summer long.

Unity Game Design – gives a boost to aspiring game developers. Middle school kids are into video games. Wouldn’t it be great for them to go from playing games to making them? Common Sense Media insists this creative outlet sparks more than a kid’s imagination. In a camp environment with other kids and a supportive instructor, there’s no limit to what they can do.

Music Production – get those songs out of your head and into the world. Without music producers, songwriters and performers, we wouldn’t have anything to sing or reason to dance! This summer camp activity can help kids take ideas and turn them into songs. Music production helps introduce theory, the art of performance, composing skills, and engineering techniques.

YouTube and Playwrights Guild – for storytellers in search of an audience. Aspiring writers learn the basics of story structure and visual tips for translating those stories to the screen. 

Film Studio – future movie makers can see their creations come to life. Lighting, camera angles, dialogue and editing. This is a summer camp activity that will have them sharing all year long. 

Digital Arts – printed art with cutting edge capabilities to take talent to the next level. Technology doesn’t threaten traditional artmaking, technology enhances it. Studies suggest using today’s digital tools only brings out the best of a student’s artistic development, imagination and creativity. At KidztoPros camps, art instructors encourage and support.

Graphic Design – creativity plus technology never looked so good. “Ink on paper or pixels on a screen, the general principles don’t change. I think what changes is how quickly you can make something, how quickly you can send it into the culture,” says Chip Kidd, expert on why kids should take up graphic design. 

Categories: Summer Camps


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