Holidays and Family Activities in October

Published by Hristina Mladenovska on

As autumn starts to be felt in most places in the United States, many families welcome these shorter, cooler days. Whether you’re in a place where leaves turn colors or not, perhaps it’s less hot or humid, October is a fun month. There are plenty of ways to promote awareness for good causes or just celebrate good food and good people. Here are some fun, family activities for almost every day:

October 1

National Homemade Cookies Day: Enjoy healthy and delicious recipes to make cookies with the family.

World Smile Day: It’s hard for some folks to smile these days. Perform a random act of kindness today. This can be as simple as letting someone merge in front of you on the freeway, or reaching out to an old friend.

October 2

Custodial Worker’s Recognition Day: There is a reason for your clean office buildings, schools and hospitals. Custodians work hard to make sure the rest rooms, hallways and cafeterias are ready for you each day. Be sure to thank them.

October 3

GOE Day: GOE stands for growth, overcome and empower. If you, or someone you know, has struggled to put trauma behind them, today is the day to celebrate each other.

October 4

Taco Day: Whether you have a favorite taco place in town or make your own, today is taco’s day. You can also find restaurant discounts or freebies near you.

Golf Lover’s Day: Today is a good day to talk up the health benefits of golf. Fore!

Child Health Day: Health advocates organize family activities and events to stress the importance of prenatal and newborn care. Such events also include regular pediatric visits, limiting screen time, healthy eating habits and the importance of exercise for kids.

October 5

Do Something Nice Day: Another chance to practice a random act of kindness. An autumn-themed suggestion: look in dressers and closets. Take any sweater or jacket that hasn’t been worn in a year. Donate to a shelter or consignment shop.

Eat Fruit At Work Day: Why does it have to be at work? Click here for fruits in season during the fall months.

October 6

Coaches Day: Today is a great day to thank all the amazing coaches you know. Read about the importance of positive coaching when developing young athletes.

Walk to School Day: Before it gets too cold, celebrate a brisk day by walking briskly to school.

October 7

Inner Beauty Day: Call, email or text some people you know. Make their day by listing all the inner beauty in them that you appreciate.

October 8

Hero Day: Who are your personal heroes? People who’ve saved you, in one way or another, deserve to be remembered. Thank them again.

Pierogi Day: A favorite comfort food in many different cultures, learn how to make pierogies. Like tacos, enjoy them with a variety of toppings.

October 9

PANS/PANDAS Awareness Day: Children suffering from autoimmune or neuropsychiatric conditions are often misdiagnosed. PANS/PANDAS parents, doctors and activists aim to change that.

Chess Day: This is a favorite game worldwide. It teaches kids strategy and reason to unlock skills useful in a variety of disciplines. Find some KidzToPros chess after-school programs near you.

October 10

Walk to a Park Day: Get out, stretch your legs and support your local parks and recs with some active family activities!

Mental Health Day: Today is a great day to normalize talking about mental health and treatment.

October 11

Coming Out Day: Learn more about making your local community safe for LGBTQA+ people.

Native American Day: Previously called Columbus Day, this national holiday celebrates the land we live on and those who lived here first.

October 12

National Farmer’s Day: Visit a local farm for tours, produce, meat and dairy products.

October 13

Emergency Nurse’s Day: This has been a challenging few years for emergency nurses. Be sure to thank them today.

Stop Bullying Day: Click here to learn more about how to prevent bullying at your school

October 14

Dessert Day: Today is a great day to say yes to the dessert menu. Treat yourself!

October 15

National Mammography Day: Mammograms, or breast cancer screenings, are recommended for women. How often depends on your age and medical history. Click here to learn more now.  

October 17

Black Poetry Day: Read more about black poets and lift every voice.

October 18

Chocolate Cupcake Day: Some fun, easy recipes for the whole family.

Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day: This can be a great day to straighten and organize all desktops.

October 21

Get Smart About Credit Day: Financial education has never been more important. Get some free tools to teach your kids how to prevent identity theft and learn the negatives/benefits of credit cards.

October 28

Chocolate Day: There are health benefits to eating chocolate, especially dark chocolate. Every day should be chocolate day!

National First Responders Day: If you’re a first responder, thank you. You also get lots of freebies and discounts today – check your favorite local places and enjoy the day.

October 29

Cat Day: A day to celebrate our feline friends.

World Stroke Day: Signs of stroke are often ignored or confused for other issues. Acting quickly reduces death and many serious after-effects. Learn more and promote awareness to save lives.

October 31

Halloween: From family activities like carving pumpkins to trick-or-treating, Halloween is one of the most popular holidays for kids. Stay safe and enjoy sweet fun!

Meaningful awareness and prevention weeks in October

Mental Illness Awareness Week – First Week in October

National Fire Prevention Week – Week of October 9

National Midwifery Week – October 3-9

October is also..

National Economic Education Month

Adopt A Shelter Dog Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Dyslexia Awareness Month

Eat Better, Eat Together Month

Halloween Safety Month

Head Start Awareness Month

Health Literacy Month

LGBT History Month

However you spend your October days, we at KidzToPros hope they’re fun and meaningful activities for the whole family. 

Categories: Holiday Camps


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